Swissnex in San Francisco: Swiss giveaways for the goodie bags
Swissnex in San Francisco: Swiss giveaways for the goodie bags
Swissnex in San Francisco: Swiss graphic design and typo books
Swissnex in San Francisco: AT the swissnex SF booth
Swissnex in San Francisco: Ursus Wehrli, Swiss artist and typographer, presents his book
Swissnex in San Francisco: Ursus Wehrli, one of three Swiss speakers at TYPO SF 2013
Swissnex in San Francisco: Speaker's party at swissnex in the evening on day one
Swissnex in San Francisco: Speaker's party at swissnex in the evening on day one
Swissnex in San Francisco: Raphael Schad, from Flipboard chats with Donald Knuth - computer scientist and "father" of the analysis of algorithms.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Speaker's party at swissnex in the evening on day one
Swissnex in San Francisco: The swissnex booth at TYPO SF
Swissnex in San Francisco: Ludovic Balland completed the Swiss speaker trio at TYPO SF>
Swissnex in San Francisco: Ludovic Balland talks about his projects in in typography, typesetting and conceiving books
Swissnex in San Francisco: Ludovic Balland knew how to captivate the crowd.
Swissnex in San Francisco: Jürg Lehni, one of three Swiss speakers at TYPO SF
Swissnex in San Francisco: Jürg Lehni presents his work across technology, tools, and the human condition