On my way home, through the sunroof, after a rough morning. #mentalhappyspot #itsgreatoutdoors #autumn
A strong storm blew over just before sunset. The temperature dropped and a wonderful breeze swirled around as the remaining sun highlighted the fleeing clouds. #itsgreatoutdoors #lifeatthelake
Leaves aflame while out running morning errands. Something this beautiful nearly requires that you stop and take notice. #nofilter #itsgreatoutdoors
Last week in full bloom, today covered in snow. Let's see how resilient she is. #cameliabush
I love living a couple of minutes walk from the lake. Even on a freezing day it is gorgeous and calming. #lifeatthelake #solitude
Results of today's first watercolor class with the awesome @bethbalefineart. Humbling to be a student but very exciting, too. #wip #workinprogress #inthestudio #squirrel #watercolor #creativelife
Getting there. My first almost done piece for the online floral class with the incomparable @amanda_evanston. #thesecretgardenartists #creativelife #inthestudio #painting #wip #workinprogress
Roses are still blooming outside the office at work. Amazing that in the midst of freezing nights and chilly days there are still new blooms and fresh petals. Surprises and resiliency all around us. #whatiwanttoremembertoday
This studio gets the nicest sunsets in town. #inthestudio #ArtStudioSanford #creativelife #solostudiotime
Driving home last night after a wild day of twists and turns - some good, some crazy, some crazy-making. I watched all of it disappear, burned into ashes by the fiery sunset, in my car's side mirror as I sped home in the calm blue night. #nofilterneeded #
Message written in paint by the finger of a young girl wise beyond her years. Be You. I was at the Artist table at a elementary school career fair feeling pretty insecure. Then this. Oh, Chloe. Thank you. #careerday #thankyouChloe #beyou #creativelife #wh
The little kid part of me who wanted to be an archeologist is having a great Monday. I've been sipping coffee, listening to podcasts, and excavating. Only this is better than I ever thought my working conditions would be: no sand, no heat, no threats of m