swinelin: Cho Oyu (8201m)
swinelin: Shishapangma (8046m)
swinelin: Phewa Lake, Pokhara
swinelin: Meadows under Mountain: Kagbeni
swinelin: Overlooking Dhaulagiri Himal from Poon Hill
swinelin: the Police and Mao Zedong at Tiananmen (天安門)
swinelin: Hangzhou Xihu State Guesthouse (杭州西湖國賓館)
swinelin: Skyscrapers of Pudon, Shanghai (上海埔東摩天樓)
swinelin: the Atayal Kid (吉娃斯)
swinelin: IMG_7788_small
swinelin: IMG_8242
swinelin: Sunset of Jhongyang Bridge, with Guanyin Mountain
swinelin: Hehuanshan, Taiwan
swinelin: Dong-ao Coast (東澳灣)
swinelin: the "Sleeping Beauty and the Pug" Skerry (哈巴狗與睡美人)
swinelin: the Coreopsis in Fushoushan Farm (福壽山農場波斯菊)
swinelin: 羊之丘展望台
swinelin: Blowball in the snow
swinelin: Otaru canal (小樽運河)
swinelin: IMG_8252
swinelin: IMG_8394
swinelin: Toya Lake in the morning (晨間洞爺湖)
swinelin: The Famous Nightview of Hakodate (函館夜景)
swinelin: New Year's Wish
swinelin: IMG_1031
swinelin: Sunshine at Jhaorih Hot Spring (朝日溫泉朝霞)
swinelin: Nightview of Taipei before the Typhoon Pabuk
swinelin: Sunset of Danshuei River
swinelin: Bali Terrace (巴里島梯田)
swinelin: Le Meridien Nirwana (美麗殿飯店)