swinelin: Overlooking
swinelin: The Valley
swinelin: The Church (田埔教會)
swinelin: The Drawbridge (秀巒吊橋)
swinelin: Overviewing Shinkong Tribe from Smangus (遠眺新光部落)
swinelin: Cherry Blossoms (初春的山櫻花)
swinelin: The Depot (補給站)
swinelin: Smangus
swinelin: the Atayal Kid (吉娃斯)
swinelin: List of Price (價目表)
swinelin: Cherry Blossoms
swinelin: Couple Trees (夫妻樹)
swinelin: Couple Trees (夫妻樹)
swinelin: Mountains of Smangus (司馬庫斯山景)
swinelin: Couple Trees (夫妻樹)
swinelin: Millet (小米穗)
swinelin: Overview of Smangus Tribe
swinelin: B&B of Smangus
swinelin: Sunset of Smangus
swinelin: Smangus
swinelin: Start of Smangus Trail (司馬庫斯古道登山口)
swinelin: Mountains on way of Smangus Trail (司馬庫斯峭壁的山景)
swinelin: the Divine Tree (司馬庫斯「大老爺」神木)