swinelin: 東引中柱港 (Jhongjhu Harbor: the Entrance of Dongyin)
swinelin: 東引中柱港 (Jhongjhu Harbor: the Entrance of Dongyin)
swinelin: 歸心似箭 (The Soldier back to Taiwan)
swinelin: 東引中柱港 (Jhongjhu Harbor: the Entrance of Dongyin)
swinelin: 中柱島 (the Jhongjhu Island)
swinelin: 人定勝天 (Impossible is Nothing!)
swinelin: Dongyin
swinelin: Dongyin
swinelin: Dongyin
swinelin: 燕秀潮音
swinelin: 老鼠沙
swinelin: The fishman
swinelin: 老鼠沙
swinelin: Dongyin
swinelin: Dongyin
swinelin: 烈女義坑 (the Cliff where a Woman with Purness Suicided)
swinelin: 烈女義坑 (the Cliff where a Woman with Purness Suicided)
swinelin: 烈女義坑 (the Cliff where a Woman with Purness Suicided)
swinelin: 東湧燈塔 (the Dongyin Lighthouse)
swinelin: 東湧燈塔 (the Dongyin Lighthouse)
swinelin: 東湧燈塔 (the Dongyin Lighthouse)
swinelin: 東湧燈塔 (the Dongyin Lighthouse)
swinelin: 安東坑道 (Andong Tunnel)
swinelin: 安東坑道 (Andong Tunnel)
swinelin: 安東坑道 (Andong Tunnel)
swinelin: 北疆落日 (the Northmost Sunset)
swinelin: 國之北疆 (the Northmost)
swinelin: 釣客的天堂 (the Paradise of Rodster)
swinelin: 豐收! (Harvest)
swinelin: 海角民宿 (Seacorner B&B)