Judith Swallow: directions on the rail trail
Judith Swallow: Linville
Judith Swallow: Loner2 being adjuste by the bike butler
Judith Swallow: The Loner plus co-pilot
Judith Swallow: The co-pilot ready to ride
Judith Swallow: looking into the valley
Judith Swallow: taking a break
Judith Swallow: heading up the trail
Judith Swallow: Strangler vines doing their stuff
Judith Swallow: creek bottom
Judith Swallow: Acolytes1
Judith Swallow: Acolytes2
Judith Swallow: Acolytes3
Judith Swallow: Acolytes4
Judith Swallow: Designer toilet block
Judith Swallow: flannel bush
Judith Swallow: Flannel Bush
Judith Swallow: IMGP6381
Judith Swallow: Grass Trees1
Judith Swallow: Grass Trees2