Judith Swallow: The Antipodeans relaxing at the start
Judith Swallow: Checking out steads
Judith Swallow: A quick natter before the off
Judith Swallow: Good score for you're "I Spy Little Wheels"
Judith Swallow: The Phoenix Trail
Judith Swallow: The bunch loitering on the Phoenix Trail
Judith Swallow: The bunch on the Phoenix Trail 1
Judith Swallow: The bunch on the Phoenix Trail 2
Judith Swallow: Signal down, on the Phoenix trail
Judith Swallow: A ladybug on a pink Bromie
Judith Swallow: Phil & Lorna Wray's steads
Judith Swallow: DSCF1358
Judith Swallow: Lunchtime natter over a pie and a pint
Judith Swallow: Paul Evans relaxing at lunch
Judith Swallow: bikes and riders relaxing in the sun
Judith Swallow: Pub lunch with a spot of marmite!
Judith Swallow: 1969 Moulton Speed, one owner from new
Judith Swallow: Taking a break from quaffing the ale
Judith Swallow: Paul Evans on Royal Enfield "Revelation"
Judith Swallow: Phil Wray on Royal Enfield "Revelation"
Judith Swallow: Howard leads the peloton
Judith Swallow: the bunch in full flight
Judith Swallow: Audrey Hughes
Judith Swallow: Lady Dahon being chased by Team Brommie
Judith Swallow: Old coach cafe for afternoon tea
Judith Swallow: A good day to be waiting for Gods Wonderful Railway!
Judith Swallow: Bledlow-cum-Saunderton church
Judith Swallow: Bledlow-cum-Saunderton church
Judith Swallow: Mr Evans with the fetching bike luggage sits in ready for the sprint "Cav" style!
Judith Swallow: Diasy the pink Brommie takes a well earned rest