swift.garuda: On the Pilion peninsula
swift.garuda: DSC_0553
swift.garuda: The central tree of the plátia, the main square
swift.garuda: Working on the garden
swift.garuda: Carlos
swift.garuda: DSC_0007
swift.garuda: DSC_0008
swift.garuda: DSC_0009
swift.garuda: DSC_0018
swift.garuda: DSC_0033
swift.garuda: Making our way
swift.garuda: DSC_0059
swift.garuda: Typical small Greek churches throughout the country
swift.garuda: DSC_0071
swift.garuda: Punch buggy!
swift.garuda: Working on chestnuts
swift.garuda: Inside
swift.garuda: Me and Doug
swift.garuda: Chestnut season!
swift.garuda: The gang: Sarita and me, and our new Canadian friends, François and Marie-eve
swift.garuda: P1070533
swift.garuda: High fashion: mushroom on the head
swift.garuda: DSC_0137
swift.garuda: DSC_0147
swift.garuda: Wowzers
swift.garuda: It's time for a haircut
swift.garuda: Finishing up
swift.garuda: Garden frogs...great conversation
swift.garuda: DSC_0181