swift.garuda: Hills above the Riviera
swift.garuda: a good place to think
swift.garuda: Walking toward Eze Village
swift.garuda: Beautiful stone walls
swift.garuda: The town bell
swift.garuda: DSC_0047-2
swift.garuda: An impressively expensive hotel...not for goats of modest means.
swift.garuda: All of the old medieval hovels in the town were now chic art galleries
swift.garuda: Looking out from Eze
swift.garuda: The hotel's incredible tiered garden
swift.garuda: Taking a hike down to the coast
swift.garuda: We had no idea where this hike was going to end, from the looks of things
swift.garuda: Eze Sur Mer, our hiking destination
swift.garuda: a little tired after the long, but fantastic walk down to the coast
swift.garuda: Looking down the tracks toward Nice
swift.garuda: Looking back at where we came from