swift.garuda: Driving on the windy roads
swift.garuda: the parking lot...nuff said
swift.garuda: measuring our peat output this year
swift.garuda: Sarita looking down our chosen path
swift.garuda: thinking it over
swift.garuda: views over the Dingle coastline
swift.garuda: a mountain and a cloud like a mountain
swift.garuda: going off to do one's duty
swift.garuda: looking further up and out
swift.garuda: the other side of the pass
swift.garuda: lakes abound here
swift.garuda: Sarita starting back
swift.garuda: beauty in all directions
swift.garuda: poo or chocolate?
swift.garuda: pit stop
swift.garuda: the scarves were for warmth, not stealth
swift.garuda: giants of Ireland
swift.garuda: it was a bit windy here
swift.garuda: as we were driving, I spotted a small waterfall
swift.garuda: and decided to follow it up to it's source
swift.garuda: looking back as I climb
swift.garuda: up the rocks I go
swift.garuda: the source! I found it.
swift.garuda: starting back to the car and to Sarita