sayanee_: DSC01708
sayanee_: Blue-green
sayanee_: White Stacks
sayanee_: Sticking out
sayanee_: sky scrapers
sayanee_: durian dome
sayanee_: light through
sayanee_: cafe underneath
sayanee_: Glass Panel
sayanee_: Taxi Stand
sayanee_: arch way
sayanee_: Pointers to the sky
sayanee_: supreme court
sayanee_: Glass Panel
sayanee_: Souring Dandelion
sayanee_: Connections
sayanee_: The Edge
sayanee_: Vertical Blue
sayanee_: beneath the roof
sayanee_: Shimmering Colours
sayanee_: corridor
sayanee_: Connections at Night
sayanee_: Nightly Edge
sayanee_: Running Lights
sayanee_: DSC02647
sayanee_: Corridor
sayanee_: Singapore's modern and old
sayanee_: Display of Colors
sayanee_: Genome