NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: in the moment
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: you may now kiss the bride...
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: Erinwith this ring I thee wed...
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: giving her away
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: the Bride arrives
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: pools of hope
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: the time is NOW!
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: hair, makeup and champaign @ 9 a.m.
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: those shoes...
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: cherished moments
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: kisses from Manny
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: She's waiting for you! Now go out there and do this!!
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: a bracer at GrandMa's Sports Garden
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: stitches in time
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: Old Ra'j "For After the Battle"
NorthernMinnesotaPhoto: check out the lines on this bottle