Sweetstuff "Candy":
Robin marked this globe as guide
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Robin with South America
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Pink string used as a guide
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Frame on truck
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Spaghnum moss on frame
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Adding map to globe
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Sweetstuff "Candy":
United States
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Close up under blooms on Globe
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Blooming sections
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Eight sections
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Succulent globe love
Sweetstuff "Candy":
The left will go under the right
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Lookin on the inside
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Another 8th
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Close up of planted succulents
Sweetstuff "Candy":
What part of earth is this?
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Eight sections of Succulent Globe
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Succulent globe 1/8 of 10' diameter
Sweetstuff "Candy":
Sweetstuff has a special invitation