tricksn26treats: oh yeah!
tricksn26treats: proud parents
tricksn26treats: kids have all the right moves
tricksn26treats: IMG_2553.JPG
tricksn26treats: Aura is blushing
tricksn26treats: Raynold is singing to Aura
tricksn26treats: Raynold is singing to Neworder
tricksn26treats: every time I see you falling....
tricksn26treats: adam is in the house
tricksn26treats: whew! it's getting hot in here
tricksn26treats: come on, dance with me!
tricksn26treats: more dancing
tricksn26treats: Yeahhhh!
tricksn26treats: little boys
tricksn26treats: see this kid!
tricksn26treats: back to more back action
tricksn26treats: Camera lady tries to get in some pics with her honey
tricksn26treats: the videographer is filming the action
tricksn26treats: here try it.
tricksn26treats: everyone is dancing
tricksn26treats: raynold and aura
tricksn26treats: ray loves the fan