Sweet One: IMG_20170102_234848
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170103-213423
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170103-213420
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170216-002040
Sweet One: Is there something top secret about these street names, Google?
Sweet One: Black History, according to Google.
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170208-224642
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170208-230653
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170208-225032
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170208-230344
Sweet One: Umm...
Sweet One: I wish Air Canada would just pick a syntax and stop spamming me with multiple notifications for the same thing.
Sweet One: Electric Sheep! My Android does dream of it.
Sweet One: Screenshot_20170317-194907
Sweet One: Aww, thanks Google.
Sweet One: Went on an evolution spree :)
Sweet One: Went on an evolution spree :)
Sweet One: Went on an evolution spree :)
Sweet One: Went on an evolution spree :)
Sweet One: Went on an evolution spree :)
Sweet One: Went on an evolution spree :)
Sweet One: Went on an evolution spree :)
Sweet One: Well played, The Beaverton
Sweet One: Finally a new splash screen!
Sweet One: Why does VanConnect even exist? It's like the City of Vancouver just wants a way to automate its dismissal of citizen reporting.
Sweet One: Um, why? Why does WebMD require all of this?
Sweet One: FINALLY.
Sweet One: FINALLY.
Sweet One: FINALLY.
Sweet One: FINALLY.