Sweet One: They're having a bicycle lane festival on Bourke St next week!
Sweet One: IMG_0038
Sweet One: IMG_0039
Sweet One: IMG_0040
Sweet One: Bourke Street Cycleway - Woolloomooloo end
Sweet One: The Bells Hotel
Sweet One: New Traffic Management in Bourke St.
Sweet One: IMG_0044
Sweet One: IMG_0045
Sweet One: Cycleway direction signs
Sweet One: IMG_0047
Sweet One: IMG_0048
Sweet One: IMG_0049
Sweet One: IMG_0050
Sweet One: IMG_0051
Sweet One: Anatomy of the intersection - beginning of the Bourke Street Cycleway
Sweet One: IMG_0053
Sweet One: IMG_0054
Sweet One: IMG_0055
Sweet One: IMG_0056
Sweet One: Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel
Sweet One: IMG_0058
Sweet One: IMG_0059
Sweet One: Complete Street
Sweet One: Zebra Crossing (to access the bus stop)
Sweet One: IMG_0062
Sweet One: IMG_0063
Sweet One: Zebra Crossing
Sweet One: IMG_0065
Sweet One: IMG_0066