Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: I'm ready for #photoadaymay via @fatmumslim :)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • peace = the world is at peace when u can have vanilla AND chocolate cake at the SAME TIME
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • skyline
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • something I wore 2day = I painted my nails last nite w/ @JulepMaven Kelly polish & used Seche Vite for my top coat for the 1st time. so far I luv it! makes everything shiny & smooths out mistakes. let's see how long the polish lasts w/o ch
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • fun = dinner with friends
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • bird = Kansas City
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • me = behind my laptop (as usual)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • someone who inspires me
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • a smell that I adore
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • something I do everyday
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • a favorite word = cupcake
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • kitchen
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • something that makes me happy
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • mom, Happy Mother's Day to my Mommy! this was our family pic my senior year of H.S. she's 35 in this pic. I'm 37 today. WOW!!!
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • grass
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • love (water bottle @ Cafe Gratitude)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • what I'm reading = Twitter
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • (free) snack
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • something I made. EEK! one of my last Hallmark card designs is printed! Minnie nail stickers ^.^
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • a favorite place =
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • something I can't live without (I can't live without him!)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • where I stand (hmmm, which shoes do I wear 2day?)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • pink (a lily blooming in my backyard)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • technology = thank you food technology for creating yummy veggie meat substitute products!
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • something new = my new @hammerpress print fits perfectly in the frame I purchased @snapconf :)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • unusual // cooking my 1st artichoke. I think they are unusually beautiful!
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • 12 o'clock = midnight, working on redesign
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • something sweet
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • the weather today = fluffy clouds :)
Jeanee *Dirty Laundry*: #photoadaymay • a number