sweetheartville: panoramic shot of the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from paw paw and grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: Eureka Springs history mural
sweetheartville: Basin Park Hotel, Eureka Springs
sweetheartville: Eureka Springs
sweetheartville: Basin Park Hotel, Eureka Springs
sweetheartville: Eureka Springs
sweetheartville: War Eagle river, just below Paw Paw and Grandma's
sweetheartville: the path down to War Eagle river from Paw Paw and Grandma's
sweetheartville: some of Paw Paw's pistols and tools
sweetheartville: the view from Paw Paw and Grandma's side deck
sweetheartville: the view from Paw Paw and Grandma's side deck
sweetheartville: the view from Paw Paw and Grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from Paw Paw and Grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: the view from Paw Paw and Grandma's back deck
sweetheartville: Paw Paw and Grandma's house
sweetheartville: the view walking toward Paw Paw and Grandma's house from the barn
sweetheartville: the view of the barn from Paw Paw and Grandma's house
sweetheartville: classic Farrah Fawcett poster
sweetheartville: stairs in the barn