Sweet Dolce: Beanstalk without Jack
Sweet Dolce: cherry blossom
Sweet Dolce: canopy
Sweet Dolce: Resting in Harmony
Sweet Dolce: crossing the bridge
Sweet Dolce: IMG_3102
Sweet Dolce: Purple Lady
Sweet Dolce: icy winter
Sweet Dolce: winter air under the warm glow of the street lamp
Sweet Dolce: complementary pairing
Sweet Dolce: spring is here
Sweet Dolce: another macro
Sweet Dolce: fairies in the form of bokeh
Sweet Dolce: 146/365
Sweet Dolce: and she waits
Sweet Dolce: new member of my plant family~
Sweet Dolce: still kind of blue
Sweet Dolce: she arrives on time :)
Sweet Dolce: pink sakura against blue sky, it can't get any better
Sweet Dolce: somethings can only be seen clearly when we close our eyes
Sweet Dolce: winged creature
Sweet Dolce: 風吹過的櫻花
Sweet Dolce: really like the texture :)
Sweet Dolce: if I were to be an insect, it would be a bee~
Sweet Dolce: taking off to a place called Tomorrow. It must be more wonderful than Today.