SWBatzer: Sunrise with the radar station in view to the right
SWBatzer: Waiting in formation
SWBatzer: 1SG at work
SWBatzer: This was not bad!
SWBatzer: Kevlar and ruck ready to go
SWBatzer: Starting the LRC
SWBatzer: Rainbow in the distance
SWBatzer: taking off on the ruck march
SWBatzer: Going over the setup around the weapons cache
SWBatzer: Prepping the charges
SWBatzer: Setting up for role playing -- wife is taller than husband, son and policeman
SWBatzer: MSG Simard as an Iraqi policeman
SWBatzer: Don't know what this flower is
SWBatzer: Beautiful bloom
SWBatzer: Chiefs Curry-Jones and Brown
SWBatzer: Pre-chow formation
SWBatzer: Sunrise over the Waianaes