SWBatzer: Greeting us the first morning
SWBatzer: Headed to Molokini
SWBatzer: Sitz Bad outside the condo
SWBatzer: Can you tell which unit is ours?
SWBatzer: The dramatic West Maui Mountains now have a series of wind power generation devices that provide 14% of the island's power -- pushing wind power into the grid
SWBatzer: Whales off of Molokini
SWBatzer: Whale tail near Molokini
SWBatzer: Bunnies off of Molokini
SWBatzer: Our first dive site Sunday was by the most recent lava flow (over 100 yrs ago)
SWBatzer: More whales
SWBatzer: Reminded me of Mary Poppins
SWBatzer: With Goldfish crackers
SWBatzer: Oldest boat captain in Maui - most reliable, too
SWBatzer: Easter sunset
SWBatzer: Wayne's new place of paddle boarding business
SWBatzer: Aforementioned fishpond
SWBatzer: In case you weren't oriented
SWBatzer: Placard overlooking the ocean at the HIHWSNMS building
SWBatzer: Decoy & leaf scorpionfish
SWBatzer: Green Hawaiian Lionfish
SWBatzer: Don't I look tasty??
SWBatzer: Frogfish butt