SWBatzer: This trevally and stout moray were swimming buddies together at the start of our dive
SWBatzer: Trevally stalker
SWBatzer: Off to the cleaning station for me!
SWBatzer: Could be snowflake coral, could be algae
SWBatzer: Woo Hoo!! Time for cleaning!
SWBatzer: If Oscar were a turtle, his face would look like this
SWBatzer: Taking off
SWBatzer: Could you move just a little to the right?? Ahhh.
SWBatzer: These jacks were about the size of my leg, and were moving fast
SWBatzer: They headed for deeper blue water
SWBatzer: No dive can be complete without an eel shot!
SWBatzer: Egg eating nudibranch in a Spanish dancer egg sac
SWBatzer: Heading back to shore -- lovely shell
SWBatzer: Orange mouth lizardfish at the end of the dive