SWBatzer: Waiting for the graduates
SWBatzer: Grads marching by to the stage
SWBatzer: Eliot is in the second row
SWBatzer: Welcoming the guests and introducing the class
SWBatzer: Seated and ready to graduate
SWBatzer: Leading the class throught their class song
SWBatzer: Singing!
SWBatzer: Greg McMackin, the new UH football coach
SWBatzer: Ready to go!
SWBatzer: Eliot getting his diploma on the top of this woman's head
SWBatzer: At last a smile
SWBatzer: Can you spell relief? G-R-A-D-U-A-T-I-O-N
SWBatzer: Turning the tassels
SWBatzer: Dad & Grad
SWBatzer: Buck, Eliot, Darien and Wayne