SWBatzer: Wayne ready to go
SWBatzer: Leaving the Neco dock
SWBatzer: Palau Aggressor docked
SWBatzer: Navy Destroyer coming into port
SWBatzer: Almost there!
SWBatzer: Entryway hasn't changed a bit
SWBatzer: Babies out swimming
SWBatzer: Layla, I think
SWBatzer: Our guide
SWBatzer: The shed where we assembled the dolphins' food for the afternoon
SWBatzer: They fetch leaves for fish
SWBatzer: Jump, girls, jump!
SWBatzer: Jumping Girls
SWBatzer: Lunch and shopping Bai
SWBatzer: Smooches for the camera
SWBatzer: Wayne waiting for a pick up
SWBatzer: Dolphin en route
SWBatzer: Saddling up
SWBatzer: Smiling faces
SWBatzer: Spotted while snorkeling over lunch