SWBatzer: Common lionfish
SWBatzer: An open water class!
SWBatzer: Oscar the Titan scorpionfish
SWBatzer: Pennant bannerfish
SWBatzer: Crocodile needlefish
SWBatzer: The reef having a bad hair day
SWBatzer: A linckia by any other name is still a starfish
SWBatzer: Largest anemone I have ever seen
SWBatzer: Reef scene
SWBatzer: What's that??
SWBatzer: Our boat overhead at Blue Hole
SWBatzer: Reticulated dascyllus spying on another fish
SWBatzer: Christmas Tree worms
SWBatzer: Fire dartfish
SWBatzer: Redbanded hawkfish
SWBatzer: Pustulous phyllidia
SWBatzer: Hanging out under a rock
SWBatzer: Giant moray
SWBatzer: Got to feed it!
SWBatzer: Latticed sandperch
SWBatzer: Looks like the pods on Alien
SWBatzer: Another carpeting anemone
SWBatzer: An eager to be seen blenny
SWBatzer: A common lionfish
SWBatzer: Spider conch
SWBatzer: Looks like a shark to me
SWBatzer: Another camera friendly eel