SWBatzer: The port of Naples
SWBatzer: Headed to Capri
SWBatzer: I believe this is the Blue Grotto
SWBatzer: Lovely view
SWBatzer: Dark bird of paradise
SWBatzer: Shopping everywhere!
SWBatzer: I liked this wall
SWBatzer: Note the way the buildings are all clustered
SWBatzer: Beautiful flowers on the wall of the church
SWBatzer: Main market square
SWBatzer: View from the top
SWBatzer: The little rowboat on the left looks almost too small to survive
SWBatzer: Reminded me of home -- mo' bettah
SWBatzer: Headed down to the waterfront
SWBatzer: Vesuvius
SWBatzer: Alberto Napoli
SWBatzer: The old castle that now houses restaurants
SWBatzer: The walls look crooked
SWBatzer: And the streets are quite narrow
SWBatzer: Common sight outside restaurants
SWBatzer: Hungry yet?
SWBatzer: Typical living area
SWBatzer: My next vehicle...
SWBatzer: This dog followed us for almost a mile
SWBatzer: Beach on the Amalfi Coast
SWBatzer: Sorrento square