SWBatzer: Welcome to wherever you are
SWBatzer: This sign was at every beach
SWBatzer: Too bad the dog couldn't read it!
SWBatzer: Not our dive shop, but a neat sign
SWBatzer: A blue ribbon eel
SWBatzer: Colorful yellow chromis
SWBatzer: A HUGE frogfish
SWBatzer: Hypselodoris bullockii, our first sign of nudi paradise
SWBatzer: Ribbon sweetlips
SWBatzer: Nembrotha lineolata
SWBatzer: Mantis shrimp
SWBatzer: Banded messmate pipefish with starfish
SWBatzer: A solo cuttlefish
SWBatzer: Not so solo any more
SWBatzer: White spotted hermit crab
SWBatzer: Tomato anemonefish pair
SWBatzer: Sunset from the main drag
SWBatzer: You can see our dive transport to the left
SWBatzer: Dave's straw dog
SWBatzer: Even the roosters look tired
SWBatzer: The main form of transport in Boracay
SWBatzer: The main drag, it's made of sand
SWBatzer: Clark's anemonefish
SWBatzer: Phyllidopsis pipeki
SWBatzer: Wire coral goby
SWBatzer: Batuna's damselfish in front of coral
SWBatzer: Chromodoris magnifa
SWBatzer: One of our fellow divers
SWBatzer: Might be a nembrotha rutilans
SWBatzer: Hypsolodoris bullockii pair