SWBatzer: Moorish idol
SWBatzer: Arc eyed hawkfish
SWBatzer: He was a feisty shrimp
SWBatzer: Happy footed Bob
SWBatzer: Whitemouth moray
SWBatzer: And another one
SWBatzer: Wayne says the dive's fine
SWBatzer: Very pretty live cowrie
SWBatzer: Looking up through a cavern
SWBatzer: Brooke found this Triton's Trumpet
SWBatzer: Many many hermit crabs
SWBatzer: it's blurry, but it's a dragon moray
SWBatzer: Turtle cleaning station
SWBatzer: Post cleansing
SWBatzer: Dwarf moray
SWBatzer: A pencil urchin
SWBatzer: Thornback cowfish
SWBatzer: Manda descending
SWBatzer: I like the sunlight on this shot
SWBatzer: Pretty topshell
SWBatzer: This is how the ocean makes us feel
SWBatzer: Bad hair day
SWBatzer: The cowrie almost looks like it's on land