SWBatzer: The Bishop Museum Science Discovery Center
SWBatzer: Heading down to get everything ready
SWBatzer: The interior of the museum
SWBatzer: Mom & Dad helped prep the tables
SWBatzer: Mike and Manda signing in
SWBatzer: Friends heading in
SWBatzer: Our strolling duo
SWBatzer: Whew, he made it, relax now!
SWBatzer: Craig Holland & Dianne Repsholdt
SWBatzer: The Bohemian crew
SWBatzer: Checking out the albums
SWBatzer: The mock volcano
SWBatzer: Explosion!
SWBatzer: Janet & Manda
SWBatzer: Playing guess what I am
SWBatzer: Watching the explosion
SWBatzer: What invader have we here?
SWBatzer: This one
SWBatzer: is a
SWBatzer: Cocqui frog!
SWBatzer: Playing dress up
SWBatzer: Donna, Linda, Anne & Pete
SWBatzer: Chris & hubby
SWBatzer: Chatting with Curt
SWBatzer: Mom playing guess what I am