SWBatzer: At the top of Red Hill
SWBatzer: Kalalau Valley from above
SWBatzer: Looking down
SWBatzer: The day before, in Waimea Canyon
SWBatzer: The ledge below Red Hill
SWBatzer: We camped near this sign
SWBatzer: The shower waterfall
SWBatzer: Kalalau beach
SWBatzer: Our campsite
SWBatzer: En route to our relaxation waterfall
SWBatzer: Looking at the side of the valley
SWBatzer: The yes/no tree
SWBatzer: Waterfalls (and cold jacuzzi)
SWBatzer: The two misbehaving children turned to stone
SWBatzer: Redhead in profile
SWBatzer: Photo op
SWBatzer: No goats!
SWBatzer: Sunrise as we head out on the trail
SWBatzer: Top of red hill
SWBatzer: Looks like a window, it's over a sea cave
SWBatzer: A last look back