SWBatzer: At the summit of Mauna Kea
SWBatzer: Darien at the warm pools
SWBatzer: Alas, rain overflow cause bacteria problems
SWBatzer: This tickled Darien's fancy
SWBatzer: Surf along the eastern shore of the Big Island
SWBatzer: Darien
SWBatzer: Rain on the elephant ears
SWBatzer: Eliot en route to petroglyphs
SWBatzer: For siblings, they get along well, even with a change of plans due to rain
SWBatzer: Amusing themselves en route to Mauna Kea
SWBatzer: Eliot, you look stunning!
SWBatzer: Vogueing
SWBatzer: Time for a nap
SWBatzer: Another amusing sign
SWBatzer: Silversword
SWBatzer: The observatories
SWBatzer: NASA's
SWBatzer: Whatcha gonna do with that snowball, Eliot?
SWBatzer: Mugging
SWBatzer: Holes in the signs to prevent them from blowing away in the harsh winds
SWBatzer: This was put in before Hawaii was a state
SWBatzer: Some sort of shrine
SWBatzer: Father and son
SWBatzer: Aren't we cute??
SWBatzer: Eliot and me
SWBatzer: Heading to the frozen lake
SWBatzer: Looks like a moonscape