click-n-joy!: Large Grey Babbler
click-n-joy!: mum to be!
click-n-joy!: nesting time!
click-n-joy!: opposites attract!
click-n-joy!: i am the best...!
click-n-joy!: thirsty....
click-n-joy!: as close as i could get...
click-n-joy!: Male shikra (Accipiter badius)...
click-n-joy!: indian robin...
click-n-joy!: jungle babbler...
click-n-joy!: dirty old guy.... :)
click-n-joy!: yesterday's lunch...
click-n-joy!: sunbird
click-n-joy!: silence speaks a thousand chirps!
click-n-joy!: cattle-n-egret :)
click-n-joy!: love across borders!
click-n-joy!: daily visitor...
click-n-joy!: babbler... eating in the rain...
click-n-joy!: three babblers
click-n-joy!: brahminy mynah... eating in the rain...
click-n-joy!: picus canus
click-n-joy!: you are on candid camera!
click-n-joy!: farms.... villages of amritsar, punjab
click-n-joy!: cattle egret.... villages of amritsar
click-n-joy!: black winged stilts.... male and female... villages of amritsar, punjab
click-n-joy!: red wattled lapwing.... villages of amritsar
click-n-joy!: kingfisher... villages of amritsar, punjab
click-n-joy!: common kingfisher..... villages of amritsar
click-n-joy!: black winged stilts.... villages of amritsar
click-n-joy!: wagtail.... villages of amritsar