swashcam: strolling in early morning madrid
swashcam: david, maria, alex, and david
swashcam: close up of contemporary art installation
swashcam: close up of contemporary art installation
swashcam: cards shimmering in the brilliant madrilenian sunshine
swashcam: madrid street art
swashcam: gran villa
swashcam: first few hours in madrid
swashcam: the first of many wines and octopi
swashcam: maria, wines, tapas, and alex
swashcam: david and david
swashcam: tapas in a dark bar on a sunny sunday
swashcam: maria
swashcam: alex
swashcam: david
swashcam: david
swashcam: self
swashcam: alex and empty (!) wine glasses
swashcam: spanish manuel, married to a minnesotan
swashcam: david
swashcam: alex and david
swashcam: maria
swashcam: alex
swashcam: freakies
swashcam: freakies
swashcam: alex and natalia
swashcam: david and maria
swashcam: maria and alex
swashcam: women's bathroom
swashcam: men's bathroom