Swansea University: 'Bioblocks: building for nature'
Swansea University: 'Beauty in failure'
Swansea University: 'Barn owl pellet contents'
Swansea University: 'The master musicians of Joujouka'
Swansea University: 'Hiding in plain sight: devices that blend into their surroundings'
Swansea University: 'Natural colours from the sea for a natural lifestyle'
Swansea University: 'The feeling of memories'
Swansea University: 'Banality from familiarity'
Swansea University: 'Barbie breaks free?'
Swansea University: 'I, Human: the moral dimension of medical device design'
Swansea University: 'Iron on the dress: redressing the story of Amy Dillwyn'
Swansea University: '# Data saves lives : how do feelings become numbers?'
Swansea University: 'Like gold dust: how to deliver essential medicines for all?'
Swansea University: 'Mirror trees: programmable liquid metal spreading tree structures'
Swansea University: 'Aberration'