Swansea University: Day 1: University of Houston
Swansea University: Day 1: The Cougar and the Dragon: real partners
Swansea University: Real partners: University of Houston and Swansea University
Swansea University: Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas, edited by Professor John Goodby
Swansea University: Dylan Thomas as a young man
Swansea University: Professor John Goodby at the University of Houston
Swansea University: Prof John Goody about to give the Dylan Thomas lecture, University of Houston
Swansea University: Dr Renu Khator, President of the University of Houston, meets Prof John Goodby
Swansea University: The Hines School of Architecture, University of Houston
Swansea University: Dylan Thomas lecture, University of Houston
Swansea University: Prof Richard B Davies and Prof Renu Khator
Swansea University: Prof Renu Khator, head of the University of Houston
Swansea University: Prof Richard Davies, Vice Chancellor, Swansea University
Swansea University: Provost Paula Myrick Short, University of Houston
Swansea University: Day 2: New links - Swansea expert with Alzheimer's Texas team
Swansea University: Alzheimer's and memory, Professor Andrea Tales, Swansea University
Swansea University: Day 2: Research partnership in action - Dr Elvin Blanco and Prof Julian Hopkin
Swansea University: Understanding Asthma - Prof Julian Hopkin, College of Medicine
Swansea University: Research partners in health: Swansea University and Houston Methodist
Swansea University: Day 2: Prof Paul Rees - barcoding cells with nanoparticles
Swansea University: Matt Ware, Swansea nanohealth researcher, now based in Houston
Swansea University: Prof Steve Conlan, College of Medicine
Swansea University: The Cougar and the Dragon - real partners
Swansea University: Day 3: Space shuttle astronaut Dr Bonnie Dunbar & Dr Ben Evans
Swansea University: Dr Bonnie Dunbar, NASA astronaut, Bloodhound session chair
Swansea University: Bloodhound, the 1000 mph car - shock waves and forces using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Swansea University: Bloodhound screen
Swansea University: Ageing and gerontology - Prof Vanessa Burholt
Swansea University: Sharing ideas and learning: Prof Vanessa Burholt with Texas students
Swansea University: Prof Rory Wilson and animal behaviour