Ken Powell:
Go Pointy!
Ken Powell:
Nearly there
Ken Powell:
In the zone
Ken Powell:
Ken Powell:
I can do this!
Ken Powell:
This is easy!
Ken Powell:
Ken Powell:
Go Dude!
Ken Powell:
Hair raising
Ken Powell:
Have a chat
Ken Powell:
Ken Powell:
Who me?
Ken Powell:
Go girl!
Ken Powell:
Are we there yet?
Ken Powell:
Ken Powell:
Making it look easy
Ken Powell:
Why am I doing this?
Ken Powell:
Steam engine
Ken Powell:
Come on!
Ken Powell:
Ken Powell:
One foot in front of the other
Ken Powell:
Doo do da
Ken Powell:
Ken Powell:
Time for a chat
Ken Powell:
Where is the finish line?
Ken Powell:
Chased by a bear
Ken Powell:
Get out of my face!
Ken Powell:
Looking forward to a burger
Ken Powell:
Yo Dudette!
Ken Powell:
Wake up DJ!