swandive00: ms. lo mein and michelle
swandive00: baby meerkat
swandive00: rotundkat
swandive00: meerkatface
swandive00: yin and yang
swandive00: lemur!
swandive00: lemur from behind and almost upside down
swandive00: the tamarin says "ooooooooooooo"
swandive00: lion tamarin
swandive00: elephant
swandive00: pygmy hippo
swandive00: pygmy hippo flank
swandive00: butterstick
swandive00: ottttter
swandive00: otters
swandive00: otter sides
swandive00: otterfaces
swandive00: sloth bear
swandive00: pei lo mein and featherheather
swandive00: pedicure lo mein