swan-scot: Ammonite in shale
swan-scot: Fossils in shale
swan-scot: A small selection of the many different rocks at Eathie Beach.
swan-scot: Photographing the limpets and barnacles
swan-scot: Beach wreckage
swan-scot: Shell and pebbles
swan-scot: Roe deer prints on the beach
swan-scot: Spiral Wrack (Fucus Spiralis)
swan-scot: Kelp holdfast
swan-scot: Acorn barnacle (Semibalanus balanoides)
swan-scot: The falling tide reveals the inter-tidal zone
swan-scot: Exploring to see just how far we could go
swan-scot: Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
swan-scot: Common Limpets (Patella vulgata)
swan-scot: Oyster Catcher, gulls and shags
swan-scot: Rock mosaic
swan-scot: A pink submarine
swan-scot: Banded rock
swan-scot: Perfect stripes
swan-scot: Swirls
swan-scot: Thin lines
swan-scot: Crazed
swan-scot: Colourful stripes
swan-scot: Knobbly
swan-scot: Simple 'V's