SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait of Mark Denton - at the mirror.
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: self portrait at a thrift store
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait @ MLK Memorial Fountain / San Francisco
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: VIDEO - Complete Ineptitude - Starring Swampzoid
SWAMPZOID: Distorted Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: My Mirrored Mouth - self portriat
SWAMPZOID: Self Portriat
SWAMPZOID: Me as a bearded Carly Simon
SWAMPZOID: Necky Self Portriat
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait of Mark Denton
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait with Ben Taylor @ Bimbo's
SWAMPZOID: SELF PORTRAIT Forked Tongue with Red Beard
SWAMPZOID: Self-Portrait of a Neanderthal
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait superimposed over My Artwork
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait / Mirror Image
SWAMPZOID: Self Portriat with Giant Ant Eyes
SWAMPZOID: Highly Altered Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: yet another Self Portrait
SWAMPZOID: self portrait /The David Blunkett Look
SWAMPZOID: Portrait of my Tongue
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait in thrift store dressing room
SWAMPZOID: Portrait of My Mouth
SWAMPZOID: Self Portrait of Mark Denton