Sam Knox: Darren and Paddy prepare to flatten someone
Sam Knox: Tic Tac scores the first try of the game
Sam Knox: Tic Tac drives for the try line
Sam Knox: Lineout action
Sam Knox: Spence prepares to flatten a West lad
Sam Knox: Matty plants a try
Sam Knox: Ross converts another try
Sam Knox: Handoff
Sam Knox: Chris clears the ball upfield
Sam Knox: Swaffham about to go on the attack
Sam Knox: Pete in action
Sam Knox: Pete offloads
Sam Knox: Chris tears up the field
Sam Knox: Swaffham v West Norfolk
Sam Knox: Good sportsmanship
Sam Knox: Swaffham v West Norfolk
Sam Knox: Swaffham v West Norfolk
Sam Knox: Lineout action
Sam Knox: Spence offloads
Sam Knox: Darren shakes off a tackle
Sam Knox: Paddy, a man on a mission
Sam Knox: Paddy places his try right below the sticks
Sam Knox: Darren dives for the try line
Sam Knox: Men of the match