Sam Knox: Front row ready to engage.
Sam Knox: Eric puts on a burst of speed
Sam Knox: And another lineout
Sam Knox: Impending crunch
Sam Knox: Newguy has the ball
Sam Knox: Lineout
Sam Knox: Drive
Sam Knox: Grim determination
Sam Knox: Des about to release the ball into play
Sam Knox: Des tries to clear it upfield
Sam Knox: Giving birth to a rugby egg
Sam Knox: Tackled
Sam Knox: Tackled
Sam Knox: Stan and Ollie
Sam Knox: Darren breaks away
Sam Knox: Darren shakes off another tackle
Sam Knox: Lineout
Sam Knox: Dinger breaks away
Sam Knox: Stig pretends to be a rugby player
Sam Knox: Bundled into touch
Sam Knox: Des makes the tackle
Sam Knox: Swaffhams 2nd XV front row
Sam Knox: Darren with the ball
Sam Knox: Nice tackle
Sam Knox: About to get a sore face
Sam Knox: Proud dad after the game
Sam Knox: Darren doing the Hokey Cokey
Sam Knox: Lineout
Sam Knox: Des breaking away
Sam Knox: Blistering speed from Des