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Swaffham v Watton, 19 Sep 2009 by Sam Knox
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Sam Knox
Line Out
Sam Knox
Line Out
Sam Knox
John Avoids A Tackle
Sam Knox
Line Out
Sam Knox
Des In The Thick Of It
Sam Knox
This Ended In A Try
Sam Knox
Stig Fights Off A Watton Lad
Sam Knox
Stig Gets Caught
Sam Knox
Swaffham v Watton
Sam Knox
Swaffham v Watton
Sam Knox
The Race Is On For The Ball
Sam Knox
Stretch Puts On A Burst Of Speed
Sam Knox
Stretch Breaks Away
Sam Knox
About To Be Tackled
Sam Knox
Making A Run For The Try Line
Sam Knox
John Caught Mid Air
Sam Knox
Another Failed Watton Tackle
Sam Knox
A Little Hand Off
Sam Knox
Watton Go In For The Tackle
Sam Knox
Swaffham v Watton
Sam Knox
Hammy Scores A Try
Sam Knox
Stretch Is Back
Sam Knox
Handing It Off
Sam Knox
Another Conversion
Sam Knox
Sam Knox
Swaffhams Front Row
Sam Knox
Shaking Off A Watton Tackle
Sam Knox
Line Out
Sam Knox
Line Out