Sam Knox: Lamby's back
Sam Knox: Scrum down
Sam Knox: Fitzy makes a break for it
Sam Knox: 2 against 1
Sam Knox: Davy shakes off a tackle
Sam Knox: Beccles seemed to have a child playing for them
Sam Knox: Fitzy, like a coiled spring, ready to explode into action
Sam Knox: Swaffham drive for another try
Sam Knox: The ball grounded for another try
Sam Knox: Moments before Swaffham clocked up another 5 points
Sam Knox: Swaffham battle forwards through Beccles defence
Sam Knox: Swaffham steal the lineout
Sam Knox: It took 2 Beccles lads to bring down our Ross
Sam Knox: A lone Beccles player faces the guardians of the gates at Fortress Swaffham
Sam Knox: Lamby converts a try
Sam Knox: Stretch shakes off the Beccles tackle
Sam Knox: And another try converted for Swaffham
Sam Knox: No video ref needed to confirm this try
Sam Knox: That poor lad is about to get flattened
Sam Knox: A sudden burst of speed
Sam Knox: Safe hands in the Swaffham Lineout
Sam Knox: The ball's free but Ross is on top of it.
Sam Knox: Lamby clears the ball up-field after winning the scrum
Sam Knox: Beccles finally manage to drag Stretch down