hallock35: Carson
hallock35: Chessie
hallock35: Sleepy Clancy
hallock35: Clara
hallock35: The Dogs
hallock35: Literate Cat
hallock35: Fluff Cycle
hallock35: Carson is a goofball
hallock35: Chessie is a star
hallock35: bad-chessie
hallock35: leftinkennel
hallock35: gross-clancy
hallock35: chessie-behind-chair
hallock35: MT and Carson
hallock35: closeted
hallock35: behindchair
hallock35: who_won
hallock35: Clancy Claus
hallock35: the slipper
hallock35: MT Clause
hallock35: Clancy and his Christmas Bone
hallock35: Chessie in Monpelier, Part 2
hallock35: Chessie as a Traveler
hallock35: Chessie is a lazy dog
hallock35: Clancy and his Bone
hallock35: Chessie and Football
hallock35: Chessie in Office
hallock35: Carson and Football
hallock35: Gary and Chessie
hallock35: Chessie on Bed