Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The Superb lily (1799)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Winged passion flower (1802)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The American Cowslip (1801)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Madonna Lily (1800)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Night Blooming Cereus (1800)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Winged passion flower. Passiflora alata. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Night Blooming Cereus. Selenicereus grandiflorus [as Cactus grandiflorus] New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, Thornton, R.J., (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Dianthus hort. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Hyacinthus hort. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Persian cyclamen. Cyclamen persicum. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Heliconia sp. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Flora dispensing her favours on the Earth. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Linnaeus in his Lapland Dress. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Frontispiece: Portrait of Her Majesty. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, (1799)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Robert John Thornton, M.D. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Universal Power of Love. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Sir Thomas Millington. Reputed discover of sexuality in plants. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Carolus Linnaeus.
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Snowdrop. Galanthus nivalis. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Flora, Aesculapius, Ceres, with Cupid, honouring the bust of Linnaeus.
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Rosa hort. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Auriculas. Mountain Cowslips. Primula auricula. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Selenicereus grandiflorus- [as Cactus grandiflorus]. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Garden tulips. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Auricula, mountain cowslip. Primula auricula. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807) copy
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Pitcher plants. Sarracenia sp. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t.3300 (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The Blue Egyptian Water Lily. Nymphaea capensis [as Nymphaea caerulea]. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Hindu Lotus, Sacred Lotus. Nelumbo nucifera [as Nymphaea nelumbo]. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, (1807)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Himalayan Canna. Canna indica. Thornton, R.J., New illustration of the sexual system of Carolus von Linnaeus and the temple of Flora, or garden of nature, t. (1807)