Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Passiflora laurifolia with caterpillar of Azamora species and fly (Aniscelis foliacea) (1705).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Maria Sibylla Merian: The New Book of Flowers (1675-1680)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: "Morpho Achilles & Cherries." Blue-banded Morpho butterflies and Surinam cherries.
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Pomegranate with Blue Morpho Butterflies and Banded Sphinx Moth Caterpillar (1705)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Rose of Sharon and Lepidoptera (1730)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Water hyacinth with giant water bugs, veined tree-frog, tadpoles, and eggs (1714)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Dwarf banana flower (1714)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Changeable Rose and Queen Swallowtail (Papilio androgeus) by Maria Sibylla Merian (c. 1705)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Lycopersicon (tomato). Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft Nahmen (1646) [Merian, M]
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft Nahmen (1646) [Merian, M]