Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Vinca major var. caerulea. Gleadall, E.E., The beauties of flora (1839).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri), and Pelargonium (Pelargonium hort. cv. Helena). Gleadall, E.E., The beauties of flora (1839).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Myrtle-leaved Camellia, Japan Rose (Camellia japonica var. myrtifolia), and Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen persica). Gleadall, E.E., The beauties of flora (1839).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Cockspur Coral beau (Erythrina crista-galli) and Japonica (Camellia japonica var. flore simplici alba) Gleadall, E.E., The beauties of flora (1839).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: The Splendid Paphiopedilum (Paphiopedilum insigne) Gleadall, E.E., The beauties of flora (1839)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Yellow China Rose (Rosa odorata var. flavescens), and Liverwort, Pennywort, Hepatica (Anemone hepatica). Gleadall, E.E., The beauties of flora (1839).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Moss rose (1839)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Pensees, or Heart's Ease (Viola tricolor). The beauties of flora- with botanic and poetic illustrations, being a selection of flowers drawn from nature arranged emblematically- with directions for colouring them by Gleadall, Eliza Eve (1834).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: China Rose. Rosa semperflorens. The beauties of flora- with botanic and poetic illustrations, being a selection of flowers drawn from nature arranged emblematically- with directions for colouring them by Gleadall, Eliza Eve (1834).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Globose Fuchsia. (Fuchsia magellanica). The beauties of flora- with botanic and poetic illustrations, being a selection of flowers drawn from nature arranged emblematically- with directions for colouring them by Gleadall, Eliza Eve (1834).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Great Yellow Pondlily (Nuphar lutea) and White lotus (Nymphaea alba). The beauties of flora- with botanic and poetic illustrations, being a selection of flowers drawn from nature arranged emblematically... by Gleadall, Eliza Eve (1834).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: The beauties of flora- with botanic and poetic illustrations, being a selection of flowers drawn from nature arranged emblematically- with directions for colouring them by Gleadall, Eliza Eve (1834).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds: Purple Emperor Butterfly with Lilies of the Valley (1839)