Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Poppy anemone. Anemone coronaria var. hort. Illustration by P. Bessa, (1817-1827).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Yellow lady's slipper orchid. Cypripedium calceolus. Claret colored petals. Brilliant yellow, slipper shaped flowers. Native to Europe, Russia, and Asia. Herbier general de l'Amateur, tome 1 (1817-1827)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Hepatica, liverwort, kidneywort, pennywort. Anemone hepatica. Late winter, and spring flowering perennial. Grows in deep shade, or full sun. Heavy or sandy soils. Needs moisture and winter snow cover. Herbier general de l'Amateur, vol. 1 (1816)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Grenadille a Grappes. Passiflora racemosa. Herbier General de l'Amateur, vol.6 (1822) [P. Bessa]
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Blue flowered milkweed. Tweedia caerulea. Beautiful, star-shaped, true blue flowers on small, twining perennial to 3 feet tall. Herbier General de l'Amateur, tome.2 (1841)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Malachodendron pentagynum, as Stewartia pentagyna.