Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The spotted Cattleya. Cattleya guttata var. Tigrina.
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Cynoches loddigesi. Lindenia : iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Mrs. Moss's Cattleya. Cattleya mossiae var. Treyeranae. Lindenia : iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Odontoglossum nobile var. Prince of Orange [Odontoglossum pescatorei var. P] Lindenia : iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Cattleya mendelii. [as Cattleya cupidon]. Lindenia : iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Anguloa x madouxiana. Lindenia : iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The large-fruited Catasetum. Catasetum macrocarpum var. Lindeni. Lindenia : iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Paphiopedilum charlesworthii. [as Cypripedium charlesworthi Hort.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Mormodes cogniauxii L. Lind. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Mrs. Moss's Cattleya. Cattleya mossiae Hook. var. Wageneri Rchb. F. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The purple-violet Bifrenaria. Bifrenaria tyrianthina Rchb. F. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Laelio-cattleya x lindenii [as Laeliocattleya x lindeni Hort.], infr. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The cinnabar-coloured Eria. Eria ignea Rchb.f. [as Eria cinnabarina Rolfe]. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Cattleya hardyana var luciani. [as Cattleya x hardyana Rchb. F. var. Luciani Hort.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The Cloudy Odontoglossum. Rhynchostele aptera var. amabile. [Odontoglossum nebulosum Lindl. var. Amabile Hort.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Oncidium crystatum Rolfe. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Cattleya x hardyana Rchb. F. var. Lideni Hort. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Cypripedium x Félix Faure Hort. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Odontoglossum x halli-xanthum Lind. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Laelio-cattleya x varjenevskyana L. Lind. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The glaucous laelia (Laelia glauca).
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Madame Linden's Maxillaria. Maxillaria lindeniae Cogn. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Laelio-cattleya x sayana L. Lind. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Cypripedium x Madame Octave Opoix Hort. Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The gigantic Cattleya. Cattleya warscewiczii Rchb.f. var. amplissima [as Cattleya gigas Lind. var. Amplissima Lind.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The splendid dark-purple Catasetum. Catasetum tapiriceps Rchb.f. var. atropurpureum [as Catasetum splendens Cogn. var. atropurpureum Cogn.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The splendid white Catasetum. Catasetum tapiriceps Rchb.f. var. album. [as Catasetum splendens Cogn. var. Album L. Lind. et Cogn.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
The imperial Catasetum. Catasetum pileatum Rchb.f. [as Catasetum imperiale Lind. et Cogn.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Catasetum tapiriceps Rchb.f. [as Catasetum luciani Cogn.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 8 (1894)
Swallowtail Garden Seeds:
Catasetum pileatum Rchb.f. [as Catasetum bungerothi N.E. Brown var. Aurantiacum Cogn.] Lindenia- iconography of orchids vol. 9 (1895)