swaggyp: DSC05535
swaggyp: DSC05534
swaggyp: Keri and Kirri
swaggyp: This one deserves a caption contest I think.
swaggyp: Not really a nice photo of anyone.
swaggyp: Max and Claudia
swaggyp: DSC05529
swaggyp: DSC05528
swaggyp: Crapfest 2011
swaggyp: DSC05526
swaggyp: DSC05525
swaggyp: DSC05524
swaggyp: Wierd accidental photo of the La Margarita ceiling.
swaggyp: Set o 6 Jesusy mugs $1.29 each.
swaggyp: Natalie's gift from Claudia
swaggyp: I ordered mugs from Zazzle with the boys on them and I got these people's order on accident. Santa and Ms Claus!
swaggyp: DSC05577
swaggyp: Annie drew Natalie's gift. 8 mugs. 6 Jesusy and 2 specials.
swaggyp: DSC05575
swaggyp: OTFL bag. Dollar store Gem.
swaggyp: Rooster Beanie Babie
swaggyp: Claudia must be so jealous
swaggyp: Keri and Bass
swaggyp: Keri and Bass from Gina
swaggyp: Kris, Olga, Keri
swaggyp: Kirri checking expiration dates
swaggyp: cupcakes and Condoms.
swaggyp: Kirri from Annie
swaggyp: Crazy eyed Claudia
swaggyp: Kris got Keri's old lamp.